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johnson noise 【無線電】約翰遜噪聲,熱(激)噪聲。


A final “ imperfection “ of resistors is an inconvenience but cannot properly be regarded as an imperfection as it is a fundamental property of all resistors : thermal or johnson noise 關于電阻的非理想特性,最后一項內容是熱噪聲,也稱為約翰遜噪聲。其實這并不能稱為完全意義上的非理想特性,它是電阻的固有性質,任何電阻器都不例外。

The johnson noise of complex impedances consists only of the johnson noise of the resistive part of the impedance , so pure capacitance or inductance does not have johnson noise , even though it has an impedance 復阻抗的熱噪聲僅僅是電阻部分的熱噪聲,因此理想的電容器或電感器雖然有阻抗,但并沒有熱噪聲。

Johnson noise voltage 熱噪聲電壓

Johnson noise is purely an effect of resistance 熱噪聲純粹是電阻的效應。